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Projects by area

Adult Education, Key Competences

It is no longer valid that a person learns everything necessary for life at school. We need to learn throughout life so that we can respond to change and acquire new skills as adults. Together with partners in European projects, we map the situation in selected areas and create educational programs for the development of key competencies, such as digital, civic and social competences, or competences for sustainable development. We help local governments to include the topic of adult education / further education / lifelong learning in their agenda.

Cultural Heritage

We understand that cultural heritage is a source of social development, quality of life and sustainable development – in the sense of the so-called Faro Convention, the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. In addition to educational programs, we also implement educational projects and the restoration of selected historic buildings in cooperation with the local government. We also deal with the topic of managing World Heritage Sites (UNESCO) in Slovakia.

Citizenship and Democracy

We develop the competencies needed for a life in a democratic state governed by the rule of law and by European value area. We are dedicated to young people and also to the teaching community in Slovakia in order to build a platform of ambassadors of European democratic culture. Within the platform, a club of teachers is also being set up to strengthen democracy education in the teaching process.

Development of Cities and Regions, Strategic Planning

Through a Czech-American-Slovak project, we brought to Slovakia a methodology for strategic planning of economic development. The importance of participatory planning was later reflected in the law as an obligation for cities and regions to draw up plans for economic and social development. We also dealt with the topic in European projects involving several large cities. We launched a course of Strategic Planning and Territorial Management, and we are currently preparing training for regionalists – Regio Academy.

European Affairs

The Slovak Republic has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004. We offered educational programs on the nature and functioning of the EU before the accession of the Slovak Republic to the EU and during the preparation for the presidency of the Council of the EU. We have also shared our Euro-integration experience with public administration and civil society in Ukraine, the Mediterranean and the Balkans. We specialize in courses in EU professional terminology and communication skills and in the preparation of jobseekers in the EU institutions.

Protection of Natural Heritage and Landscape

We perceive the nature of Slovakia as part of the national heritage. Through education and awareness, we contribute to the local and wider community understanding the need to protect this heritage and use natural resources so that it will be preserved for future generations. We present global topics of sustainable development on the local example of the protection of the nature reserve and the Šúr wetland. We communicate, inform and try to build a sense of responsibility for sustainable development among young and adult population.