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Current services

AINova has been providing consultations on the town development since 2001. It has elaborated the economic and social development plans through participatory process (e.g. for cities as Bratislava, Trnava, Šaľa Humenné, Prešov, Bardejov, and Martin). It has a long-standing cooperation with Czech consulting company, the Berman Group.

To work for one of the EU institutions means to pass a demanding selection process. AINova helps the candidates to understand the requirements for individual positions, provides examples of test assignments and shares the experience of successful candidates. AINova is listed as the only Slovak institutions preparing for EPSO selection procedure.

The applied research is done especially as a part of projects which require the mapping of situation in a certain area, through a desk research, primary research, analyse the findings and make recommendations

Within its internal and external capacities, AINova prepares analysis and reports of certain topics, which usually serve as background documents for drafting public policies on national or European level

AINova runs the tourist information centre for the town of Svätý Jur. Its main goal is to promote the cultural and natural heritage of the town and the Little Carpathian region. It provides information, organises events and exhibitions, publishes and sells books as well as products of local craftsmen.

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