Local Adult Education Policy – LEAP II
Project Goal:
The specific objectives of the project are:
To empower the local level of governance, to tackle the sustainability issues through increasing their “green/sustainability skills”.
To empower the educational ecosystem to work towards sustainability issues by increasing their “green/sustainability skills” and providing tools for developing “green / sustainability skills”.
To facilitate the adoption of Learning Cities concepts in smaller scale through concrete examples and recommendations.
It is said that in times of big social changes, people turn to education and learning. Nowadays more than any other time before, the adult learning and education are mentioned as tools for the big changes of our times – climate, aging, globalisation, digitalisation. The COVID-19 pandemic and the digital and green transitions have accelerated changes in how we live, learn and work. People need to update their knowledge, and skills and to cope in a rapidly changing world. Adult learning benefits individuals and it also contributes to improving social cohesion and promotes active citizenship. Adult learning has been identified as a focus topic of the European Education Area for the period 2021-2030. The goal in this area is for 60% of all adults should be participating in training every year by 2030. In spite of it, too few people across Europe participate in regular education, for a variety of reasons. The right to education, training and lifelong learning is enshrined in the European Pillar of Social Rights (principle 1). One of the key policies at the EU level is the European Green Deal, which responds to climate change and tries to mitigate its effects. For several years, project partners have been involved in the implementation of EU policies from the intergovernmental level to the local level, where they can really influence and benefit citizens.
Target Groups:
The primary target group of the project are local authorities (of smaller cities).
The secondary target group is the citizens – the addresses of the efforts to raise the green skills.
The main project results are:
Case Studies on Education for Sustainability in Learning Cities to provide concrete examples to local authorities on how to build green skills.
LEAP II Platform with Series of Micro-learning materials on green skills to create learning opportunities for all citizens and generations.
Manual and recommendations for building of (small scale) Learning Cities to help spread the Learning City concept and contribute to raising awareness of the importance and benefits of LLL.
Project Nr: 2023-1-SK01-KA220-ADU-000160870
Implementation Period: 30 months, October 1, 2023 – March 31, 2026.
Project Budget: 250 000 Eur
Donors and Partners:

IDP European Consultants/IT – www.idpeuropa.com
Institute de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communutaires/BE – www.ihfeurope.eu
Nevelők Háza Egyesület/HU – www.ckh.hu
Strom života, o.z./SK – https://stromzivota.sk/
Fundación Diocesana Santos Mártires de Córdoba/ES – https://fdemartires.es
Malgrande Solutions/RO – www.malgrande.eu